What we’re cooking: Siena Farms & ChopChop Kids’ Share
ChopChop Kids and Siena Farms have partnered for a second season to bring families a great (and fresh) edition to their kitchen—the Siena Farms Kids’ Share. Kids no longer have to share their vegetables with their very own Kids’ Share. The weekly farm share includes about half a dozen vegetables, recipes, activities, and other surprises—like the measuring spoons that came in this week’s box! To learn more about the Kids’ Share, click here.
Each week, we’ll be blogging about our cooking adventures using the bounty in each week’s kids’ share. This week, Abby Reich from our ChopChop team took home the Kids’ Share and made some great kid-friendly dishes using ChopChop recipes (with a few additions)! “Receiving the farm share was exciting because I had no idea what I was going to get in the box! I created my own fun challenges to put as many farm share ingredients as possible into one or two dishes,” noted Abby. This week’s share included: green onions, cilantro, fairy eggplants, Asian eggplants, black eggplants, tomato, red pepper, shallots, and garlic. Check out what she created here:
Any-Vegetable Easy-Crust Pizza (using red pepper, garlic, shallots)
Beef Chili (using Asian eggplant, tomato, cilantro, green onion)
Baba Ghanoush (using black eggplant)
Does your family belong to a farm share? What are your favorite recipes? Don’t belong to a CSA? You can shop at local farmer’s markets or grocery stores and cook along with us!