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We’re excited to introduce our ChopChop Kids Advisory Board (KAB). This group of cool kids was hand selected from kids that applied. They’ll help us to test recipes, think of new ideas for the magazine, and make sure ChopChop gets the kid approval. For the next few weeks, we’ll be spotlighting different members of the board. This week, meet Katherine! Katherine’s main hobbies are playing volleyball, crafts, and of course, cooking and baking. She loves to bake wedding cakes for her family and friends. She has made 2 wedding cakes and is looking forward to making another one in September.

Name: Katherine Michelbook

Location: Spokane, Washington

Age and Grade: 11 years old, 6th grade

Who taught you how to cook? My dad used to be a chef, so he taught me almost everything I know about cooking.

What is something all kids should learn to cook?: Spaghetti and meatballs. It’s super easy and can be super fancy.

My favorite food is: Sushi. Especially when I get to make it myself.

If I was a vegetable or fruit I would be: A potato because they are delicious, and can be made into lots of different things.

Something I didn’t used to like to eat, but I do now is: Zucchini, and now I think it’s fantastic!

The first thing I ever cooked was: Scrambled eggs.

What I want to be when I grow up: A scientist that discovers new kinds of medicines.

My advice to kids learning to cook is: If you mess up, you can always try again and who knows? Maybe it will turn out better than it was supposed to.

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