We’re excited to introduce our ChopChop Kids Advisory Board (KAB). This group of cool kids was hand selected from kids that applied. They’ll help us to test recipes, think of new ideas for the magazine, and make sure ChopChop gets the kid approval. For the next few weeks we’ll be spotlighting different members of the board. This week, meet Janie who is back for her second year on our board. Since last year, Janine has partnered with Mars, Inc. and was a speaker at Partnership for a Healthier America in Washington DC. She’s also learned tons of new recipes in the last year. Learn more about Janie and what she’s cooking below.
Name: Janie Wilson
Location: Peabody, Massachusetts
Age and Grade: 13 years old, 8th grade
How I got involved with the ChopChop Kids Advisory Board: Back in 2014 I was on the cover of the fall issue.
I wanted to come back for a second year on the KAB because: I love working with them and love the message they promote.
Last year for the ChopChop KAB I worked on: Ideas for the magazine, blogs, and sharing ChopChop Magazine with my city’s new culinary class at the middle school.
Cooking is important because: Not only is it a way to live a healthy lifestyle, it provides for great laughs and memories with your loved ones.
Some advice for kids just learning to cook and who may be nervous is: One thing I would tell anyone new in the kitchen is to stay calm, accidents happen, and sometimes an unplanned for ingredient makes for a new and tasty dish.
A new cooking skill I’ve learned in the last year is: I learned to make homemade pasta. My KitchenAid is one of my new favorite tools in the kitchen.
A cooking goal I have for this year is: To make a full course meal, including appetizer, main meal, and dessert all in one setting.
Something I didn’t like to eat at this time last year, but I do now is: Tomatoes.
This year I want to contribute to the KAB by: This year I am planning to talk at every elementary school in my hometown, Peabody, about the power of cooking and while there I would tell them about Chop Chop and what they do.