Meet Our Kids Advisory Board: Henry McFetridge
We’re excited to introduce our ChopChop Kids Advisory Board (KAB). This group of cool kids was hand selected from kids that applied. They’ll help us to test recipes, think of new ideas for the magazine, and make sure ChopChop gets the kid approval. For the next few weeks, we’ll be spotlighting different members of the board. This week, meet Henry! Henry might be a familiar face because he was on our board last year. We’re excited to have him back for year two!
My name is Henry McFetridge and I live in Hanover, New Hampshire. I am 12 years old and in 7th grade.
I first got involved with ChopChop two years ago when a neighbor told me about the magazine, and about how the editors were looking for kids to join a Kids’ Advisory Board (KAB). I came back for a second year because I love cooking and I want to keep helping other people cook too.
Last year on the KAB, I wrote for the blog, tested recipes, attended meetings in Boston, and shared my ideas for improving the magazine. I hope to do all this and more in 2017/2018.
In terms of what I have been doing lately, with food, I tried many new foods while backpacking in Europe with my family this summer. For example, before vacation, I wasn’t big on most fish, but now I do enjoy it, such as salmon, cod, octopus, and squid. I try to keep up with food developments on my food blog, Murphy’s Mess hall. On my blog, I write about food I make, eat, and photograph.
Cooking is important because as great as electronics can be, Siri still can’t make you breakfast.
If you are interested, please follow my food stories at