We’re excited to introduce our ChopChop Kids Advisory Board (KAB). This group of cool kids was hand selected from kids that applied. They help us to test recipes, think of new ideas for the magazine, and make sure ChopChop gets the kid approval. For the next few weeks we’ll be spotlighting different members of the board. This week, meet Julian Frederick.
Julian got a chance to cook with Guy Fieri on stage during a cooking demo and was a finalist in the Healthy Lunchtime Challenge for a chance to go to the White House for the Kids State Dinner. Julian wants to be a chef, restaurant owner, and Food Network Cooking Show Host when he grows up. (He told us you can never have to many jobs!)
Learn more about Julian below.
Name: Julian Frederick
Location: Dallas, TX
Age and Grade: 8 and 3rd Grade
How I got involved with the ChopChop Kids Advisory Board: I saw all of the cool things that the magazine was doing and I wanted to help out. I applied online and was accepted. Yay!
What I love about ChopChop: It has great recipes in it that I would like to try.
I learned to cook from: My parents. I developed most of my cooking skills by watching them and cooking with them.
Something that all kids should learn to cook is: Breakfast foods like eggs and oatmeal.
My advice for kids just learning to cook and who may be nervous is: They should join my online cooking school for kids I created called The Step Stool Chef Academy which makes cooking super easy and fun for kids wanting to learn how to cook.
My secret ingredient is: Cinnamon. You can use it with EVERYTHING from salmon to soups to desserts.
My favorite food is: Chili.
My favorite thing to cook is: Pizza Burger Sliders…but I make them healthy using lean ground turkey, fresh tomatoes, fresh oregano and whole grain slider buns.
The first thing I ever cooked was: My own birthday cake when I was 3 years old.
If I was a vegetable or fruit, I would be: Mango.
Something I didn’t used to like to eat, but I do now, is: Eggs.
A time I messed up a recipe was: I was making homemade whipped cream I shook it up too much and it turned into butter.