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Farmers’ Market Fun

By Lily Stewart, ChopChop Kids Advisory Board Member

Have you ever been to a farmers market? Maybe you’ve seen one as you drive down the road or you’ve seen the little stands out front of a house selling fruit and vegetables. Well, if you haven’t been to one you need to go! Maybe it’s the air filled with aromas of fresh herbs, or the sweet honey sticks I buy—I don’t know!—but I do know that farmers markets are wonderful if you want fresh fruit, vegetables, and other foods, like honey!

I am very lucky to have access to such opportunities like going to a farmers market. My community in Michigan doesn’t have many opportunities for healthy food, but it does have great people who do great things like starting the farmers’ market. If you walk around the farmers’ market, you might notice not every stand is fruits and vegetables. You also might find fresh flowers, basket weavers, honey, baked goods, popcorn, jellies and jams, fresh lemonade or cider, potted plants and seeds to start your own garden, and nuts. Some larger markets even have artists, musicians, and activities for kids.


When you go to a farmers market you can guarantee that what you’re buying is locally grown. When something is locally grown, it’s often cheaper and fresher than what is in the store. Another opportunity to get local food is a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). When you join a CSA, you pay the farmer directly for a “share” of their harvest. After you’ve signed up, you will receive a box of fresh fruits and vegetables each week during the growing season, which usually starts in the Spring. My favorite part of the CSA is that you never know what you will get that week, like a really healthy surprise!

As you can see, farmers’ markets are fun places to go. I enjoy visiting other farmers markets other than my local one as well. One of my favorite things to do at a farmers market is to have a picnic. Usually, we take a blanket and a picnic basket. For food, one of my favorite recipes is ChopChop’s Purple Cabbage Slaw and Deviled Eggs.

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