Back to School with Linwoods
Although yogurt is a popular lunch and “kids” yogurts are now glutting the market, most of them are insanely gloppy and sweet (and in fact, many have as much sugar as a soda). My family stopped eating fruit-flavored yogurt many, many years ago and instead, we add our own chopped fresh fruit (whatever I have/whatever is in season) and/or vanilla extract. My kids loved making their own choices and concocting their own flavors. I especially love yogurt with the added texture that comes from grains, nuts and seeds, and have been making my own gritty mixture of oat bran, wheat germ, flaxseed and chia seeds for years. When I saw Linwoods’ mixtures (including combos like milled flaxseed, sunflower and pumpkin seeds; flaxseed and goji berries; ground flaxseed, almonds, brazil nuts, walnuts & Q10) I knew they were right up my alley and like them so much I’m no longer making my own. They have so many good things in them, but honestly, that’s a bonus because they just taste so good. Add them to salads, cereals, baked goods, smoothies and more.
By Sally Sampson